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Group Exhibition | Manifesto: A Moderate Proposal at Pitzer College Art Galleries

The people have spoken. They have put it in writing. They have created manifestos.

Pitzer College Art Galleries has collected these works and put them on display in Manifesto: A Moderate Proposal, an exhibition of the ideas, wishes and demands of scores of citizens with something to say and a need to be heard. It is our current climate of discord that created Manifesto: A Moderate Proposal. It was conceived to give these citizens a soapbox and to amplify their voices. These voices are many. These voices belong to inmates at sun-baked correctional facilities in Southern California and to cloistered scholars at elite colleges. These voices express the ideas of professional writers, self-taught artists and developmentally disabled students. Their broad variety of concerns were harvested by of team of varied volunteers—Andrea Bowers, Olga Koumoundouros, Việt Lê, Ultra Red, Carlin Wing and Jenny Yurshansky—who collected manifestos that are printed on paper, painted on canvas, formed in neon, shot on video and carved in wood. MANIFESTO: A Moderate Proposal is a multitude of opinions hung densely, floor-to-ceiling, in sections that reflect the numerous themes that include immigration, ableism, race, resistance, religion and gentrification. MANIFESTO: A Moderate Proposal opens on January 20, 2018, and runs through March 29, 2018, at the Pitzer College Art Galleries in Claremont, CA. Pitzer College is one of the highly ranked and nationally admired Claremont Colleges that share contiguous campuses in eastern Los Angeles County. A symposium discussing many of the issues raised by the exhibition will take place on March 23, 2018. Funded by a National Endowment for the Arts grant, MANIFESTO: A Moderate Proposal was conceived as an outlet for ideas and proposals for the healing of discord in our society and improvement of conditions for all citizens. With the public sphere embroiled in a seemingly intractable contest of us-versus-them so virulent that it has filtered down to a neighbor-vs-neighbor antagonism, it is essential that we reexamine just who we are and what we stand for. MANIFESTO: A Moderate Proposal has joined the conversation.

Participating artists: Alexandra Juhasz & Craig Dietrich; Alice Könitz; Alice Marie Perreault; Alice Wingwall; Alison O’Daniel; Amy Elkins; Andrea Bowers; Andrew Bracey; Anne Bray; Anthony Bodlović; April Bey; Arseli Dokumaci; Astri Swendsrud; Ava Morton; Bill Anthes; Byron Toledo; Candice Lin; Carlin Wing; Carlos Jackson; Carrie Paterson; Catherine Long; Cathy Akers; Charlotte Sherman; Chris Christion; Chris Michno; Christina Ondrus; Connie Samaras; Dana Sperry and Natalya Pinchuk; Danielle Adair; David Goldblatt; David Michael Lee; Doran George; Edgar Endress; Edgar Heap of Birds; Edgar Arceneaux; Elena Bajo; Elana Mann & John Burtle; Faith Wilding; Faye Ray; Fiona Jack; First Street Gallery Art Center: Patrick Dwyre, Katie Mendoza and Joe Zaldivar; Francesca Lalanne; Glenn Harcourt; Gluklya (Natalia Pershina-Yakimanskaya); Ginger Wolfe-Suarez; Helén Svensson; Ian Ingram; Ingrid Rojas Contreras; Ingrid Von Sydow; Jane Callister; Jennifer Moon; Jennifer Moon & Laub; Jen Smith; Jenny Perlin; Jenny Yurshansky; Jesse Lerner; Jessica McCoy; Jessica Wimbley; Joe Parker; Johanna Karlin; Josh Callaghan; Joyce Campbell; Juan Siliverio; Julia Haft Candell; Juliet Johnson; Justin Arroyo; Kang Seung Lee; Karen Lofgren; kate-hers RHEE (이미래); Kaucyila Brooke; Kotti & Co, Berlin; Liat Yossifor; Lisa Anne Auerbach; Lisa Jevbratt; Liz Glynn; Liz Young; Lorenzo Hurtado Segovia; Luis Zepeda; Mary Clare Stevens; Matt Ohm; Martabel Wasserman; Max King Cap; Michael Parker; Michelle Dizon; Michelle Wiener; Mike Bode; Nancy Baker Cahill; Nuttaphol Ma; Olga Koumoundouros; Peter Su; Racial Imaginary; Robin Lehleitner; Sadie Barnette; Sandra de la Loza & Eduardo Molinari; Sara Hendren & Caitrin Lynch; Sarita Dougherty; Seher Uysal; Seth Pringle; Sheila Pinkel; Southwark Notes, London; Stephanie Syjuco; Suné Woods; Tyler Stallings and Naida Osline; The artists from California Institution for Women, Chino; The artists from California Rehabilitation Center, Norco; The Rational Dress Society; Theo Tegelaers; Timothy Berg & Rebekah Myers; Tom Skelly; Tony Crowley; Ultra Red & School of Echoes, Los Angeles; Vermont College of Fine Arts | VCFA: Felipe Baeza, Hazel Batrezchavez, Julian Harper, Luis Mejico, pegah pasalar, Ythan Ponio, Zahra Zavareh, and XIAOQING ZHU; Victoria Marks; Việt Lê; Von Curtis; Warren Neidich; Weshoyot Alvitre; Women’s Center for Creative Work; Xarabyte. This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Related Event: Manifesto Symposium March 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Benson Auditorium, Pitzer College The symposium will include panels on immigration and gentrification, workshops, and lectures. FMI:

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